
a few versions of a little blob thingie from a recent reject pile. i had been meaning to scan and manipulate digitally for a while. i drew some inspiration from my buddy zee, who apparently, had the same idea. i used toon boom studio v3.


happy day o the dead, folks; and the return of the broken glass republican (detail)

this alleged creature is nearly cyclopean in its narrow mindedness. so myopic is the broken glass republican that it would, it is said, crawl thru broken glass rather than vote for a member of the democratic party in a u.s. election. there has been no verifiable eyewitness account of this creature in actual 'glass crawling' mode and there is some doubt of the veracity to the claims of it's existence but imagine if such unquestioned loyalty existed!


how scary would that be, kids?

pretty scary, tell you what.