he's a professor of psychology at a formerly prestigious institute. lobotomized against his will (like there's any other kind) he's managed to "override' the pacificatory and torpid effects of said lobotomy with the use of 'extreme' logic, ie. if a given set of circumstances would require an act of aggression to logically resolve a situation, dr. jonz is able to initiate an act of aggression. example: if hitting someone on the head is the only way one would is to get thru a door and getting thru that door is only way one is going to live to see the sunrise
and if seeing said sunrise is desirous then hitting said person on the head is logically the correct thing to do and would therefore not require the frontal lobe of the brain to initiate. i know, it's a little complicated, bare with me.
she's an evolutionary leap of zombie with a special taste for human pituitary gland. able to digest this gland in a manner which brings her out of a zombie brain dead stupor and back into a semi 'normal' state of brain function for a limited period of time.
he's a liberal progressive. (wow! how scary is
that kids?)
she leans a little more towards libertarian.
they're together.